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Two associate professors at School of Culture and Society have received grants for two different HERA-projects for the next three years. HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area) is a network of 26 national funding agencies committed to leading and developing funding opportunities for humanities researchers in Europe.

Associate professor Louise Fabian is part of the HERA-project Governing the Narcotic City. Imaginaries, Practices and Discourses of Public Drug Cultures in European Cities from 1970 until Today.

This research project explores the discourses, imaginaries, practices and consequences of public drug use from the 1970s until the present, with a focus on Western and Central European cities.  

Read more about the HERA-project here.

Associate Professor Derek Pardue is part of the HERA-projekt Night spaces: migration, culture and IntegraTion in Europe (NITE).

This three-year transdisciplinary project brings together five parallel subprojects mapping night spaces in eight cities in the Netherlands, Ireland, UK, Germany, Denmark and Portugal, considered intersectionally within the context of migration with questions of race and ethnicity, gender and sexuality, class, and age.

Read more about the HERA-project here.

Entangled fluid cities: material politics of urban water, Copenhagen 1860-1975

Associate professor Mikkel Thelle is part of the project Entangled fluid cities: material politics of urban water, Copenhagen 1860-1975 which has just received a grant from The Independent Research Fund.

Read more about the project here.